OSS Advantages ,Disadvantages, Security and Business Strategy

Advantages: Open source is a good way for business to achieve greater penetration of the market. Companies that offer open source software are able to establish an industry standard and, thus, gain competitive advantage. .It has also helped build developer loyalty as developers feel empowered and have a sense of ownership of the end product. Users should be treated as co-developers. Dynamic decision making structure .Minimizes vendor lock-in and proprietary systems. Minimizes capital expenditure and ongoing costs. More control of overall IT strategy. Open Source promotes innovation & ensures customization: Through availability of source code, Quicker to add features.

Disadvantages: It is sometimes said that the open source development process may not be well defined and the stages in the development process, such as system testing and documentation may be ignored. Not all OSS initiatives have been successful, for example sour exchange and Eazel. It is also difficult to design a commercially sound business model around the open source paradigm. In terms of security, open source may allow hackers to know about the weaknesses or loopholes of the software more easily than closed-source software.
Open-source software security is the measure of assurance or guarantee in the freedom from danger and risk inherent to an open-source software system. Benefits of open-source security: More people can inspect the source code to find and fix a possible vulnerability. This can lead to both faster discovery of unintentional security vulnerabilities, The end-user of open-source code has the ability to change and modify source to implement any extra "features" of security they may wish for a specific use, which can extend to the kernel level if they so wish, it is assumed that any compiler that is used creates code that can be trusted. Drawbacks of open-source security: All people have access to the source code, including potential attackers: Simply making source code available does not guarantee review, having many users look at source code does not guarantee that security flaws will be found and fixed.
Open software licensing: license defines the rights and obligations that a licensor grants to a licensee. Open source licenses grant licensees the right to copy, modify and redistribute source code. Examples Apache License, BSD license, GNU General Public License, and Mozilla Public License.

Business Models: The revenue model: Value creation: definition of the offer generating the highest willingness to pay. Capture of the value created through: The sale of rights (sale of patents, licenses or even client files).

 Dual-licensing, Selling professional services: The financial return of costs on open-source software can also come from selling services, such as training, technical support, or consulting, rather than the software itself.
Partnership with funding organizations: Other financial situations include partnerships with other companies. Governments, universities, companies, and non-governmental organizations may develop internally or hire a contractor for custom in-house modifications, then release that code under an open-source license. Some organizations support the development of open-source software by grants or stipends, like Google's Summer of Code initiative founded in 2005.

Open sources licenses fulfill 10 criteria: Free redistribution, Access to the source code, Right to change the source code and develop derived works, Respect of the integrity of the author’s source code., Forbidding discrimination against persons and groups, Forbidding discrimination against fields of endeavor, Universality of the rights attached to the program, Protection of the program, and not of the product, Lack of contamination of other products containing a protected source code , The license cannot discriminate against any technology or style of interface.

Legal & Other Risk Associated: Potential liability for intellectual property infringement. Open Source create opportunities for contributors therefore, it introduce infringing code and makes it almost impossible to audit the entire code base, Typical license form doesn't include any intellectual property representation, warranties or indemnities in favor of the licensee.

Potential causes of concern: Features, functions, security, ease of use, Loss of copyright control, Loss of trade secrets, Effect of fee based models


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