Open Source Apps for Small Business

Open Source Security & Privacy Apps for Small Business

F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
F-Droid is a software repository (or "app store") for Android applications. It functions similarly to the Google Play store, but only contains free-of-charge, free and open-source software. The apps can be browsed and installed from the F-Droid website or directly from the F-Droid client app (which is not available in the Google Play store). The F-Droid client app will automatically update installed F-Droid apps. The website also offers the source code of all applications for download. F-Droid does not require users to register and flags applications that contain "anti-features" such as advertising, user tracking or dependence on non-free software. The software running the F-Droid server is free software, and allows anybody to set up their own Android app repository.

Open Source Security & Privacy Apps for Small Business

      keypass password safe: if you spend any amount of time online you have an unwieldy number of logins and passwords tomanageKeePass is a super-nice, free password creator, manager and encrypted locker that stores your logins securely. You only need to remember a single master password. For extra-strong security you can also secure it with an encryption key. KeePass runs on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. There are also portable versions that run from a USB stick, and mobile versions for Android, iPhone, iPad.

                                                                                       secure cloud storage
Popular cloud storage vendors Dropbox and Google Drive are not very secure, and Dropbox has been afflicted with some embarrassing gaffes such as accidentally turning off password authentication,and getting hacked. The best cloud storage is "zero knowledge," which means your files are strongly-encrypted, and nobody can get into your files without your encryption key.

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